Recipe for a dead sea salt and lavenders scrub
You will need:
- 30 gr of dried lavender Flowers
- 150 gr of coarse sea salt
- 30 gr of Avocado oil
- 30 grams of Rice oil
- 30 grams of olive oil
- 3 gr of Tocopherol (pure vitamin E)
- 10 drops of lavender essential oil
- 4 drops of Teat Tree essential oil

Grind dry lavender flowers well and mix the oils (to which you have added essential oils), salt and vitamin E until they are well blended and homogeneous.
Transfer the mix into a dark container (prevents oxidation of oils) with an hermetic seal.

Shake the mixture, take a handful and massage the body.
Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.
have fun with this simple DIY recipe, if you're curious about how to treat your facial skin, look at these great products.
I wait for you next time with an avocado hair care recipe
Bye Bye
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